geschäftsbedingungen/terms and conditions

This is a satirical website for personal and private use and has no commercial, ideological, religious or political interests

Legal Notice

There is no obligation to provide an company details in either the UK or the USA. All information on this page is therefore provided on a purely voluntary basis and as a concession to our German-speaking readership.

Provider identification

dr. eating llc

Sheridan  30 N Gould St - Ste R

Zip code 82801  Wyoming


All services are provided by dr. eating llc, organised under the laws of the State of Wyoming, USA and operating under the laws of the USA. Our principal office are located in Sheridan, Wyoming, USA.

Responsible for the content

All texts on this website were written by the private autor Dr. Eating written by himself or under his editorship. The first texts were created in 2007 and have been continually revised and expanded since then.

Text passages in the first person ("I", "mir", "Yours Truly") always refer to the private autor Dr. Eating. Dr. Eating expresses his personal opinion, which does not necessarily represent the opinion of the companies mentioned.

Advice & other services is an information offering from the company listed under provider identification.

If you book advice and other services via this website or affiliated websites, your contractual partner is the company named under the provider identification.

The general terms and conditions of this company also apply.

It should be clear from the context and the booking form who is providing the service. Please contact us in advance if there is anything unclear.

Disclaimer makes every reasonable effort to provide correct and complete information on this website. However, assumes no liability for the timeliness, accuracy and completeness of the information provided on this website. The same also applies to the content of external websites to which this site refers directly or indirectly via hyperlinks and over which we have no influence. reserves the right to change the information provided without prior notice.

The content of this website is protected by copyright. The reproduction or distribution of the texts provided here must be approved in advance in writing.

Liability for content

The articles available on the website only provide general information and do not provide advice in specific cases. We strive to ensure that all information and data contained on the website are accurate and up-to-date. However, no liability is assumed for the correctness, completeness, topicality or quality of the information and data provided. Liability for the content of the information available is excluded unless it is intentional or grossly negligent misinformation. Obligations to remove or block the use of information in accordance with general law remain unaffected. However, liability in this regard is only possible from the time of knowledge of a specific legal violation. If we become aware of any corresponding legal violations, we will immediately remove this content.

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We are not responsible for the content of websites accessed via a hyperlink. The operators are solely responsible for the content of the linked pages. We expressly do not adopt the contents of these websites as our own and therefore cannot guarantee the correctness, completeness and availability of the content. When we first linked it, we checked the external content to see whether it could give rise to possible civil or criminal liability. However, we are not obliged to constantly check the content to which we refer in our offer for changes that could give rise to new liability. Only if we discover or are informed by others that a specific offer to which we have provided a link triggers civil or criminal liability, will we remove the reference to this offer, to the extent that this is technically possible and reasonable for us.


The content and works on these websites created by the operator of this site are subject to copyright. All contributions from third parties are marked as such. Reproduction, processing, distribution and any kind of exploitation outside the limits of copyright require the written consent of the respective author or creator. Copies of these pages are only permitted for private use and not for commercial purposes.


Gegenseitigkeitsprinzip - Ich schütze dich und du schützt mich vor Öffentlichkeit

Prinzip der Anonymität - Wir kommunizieren mit anonymen Mailadressen, die bereitgestellt werden  - es werden in der gesamten Kommunikation keine echten Namen / Orte oder Anderes genannt

Prinzip der Verschwiegenheit - 4 Augenprinzip - alles bleibt zwischen uns 

Prinzip der Einfachheit - Kein komplizierter Kommunikationsstil - Keine komplizierten Sicherheitsmaßnahmen 

Prinzip der Regelmäßigkeit - Was wir beginnen, wird zu Ende gebracht - Keiner verlässt den Raum/die Zusammenarbeit

Empfehlungsprinzip - Du hast das Recht, in deinen Kreisen Empfehlungen zu meiner Leistung auszusprechen

Prinzip der Verlässlichkeit - Was vereinbart ist, wird eingehalten 

Prinzip der Verantwortung - Du bist für dich und deine Taten verantwortlich und stehst dazu

Prinzip der Gleichheit - Ich bin nicht mehr und weniger als Du

Prinzip der Unantastbarkeit - Niemand hat das Recht, in den persönlichen Bereich des anderen einzudringen

Prinzip des monetären Ausgleichs - Du bezahlst, was du vertreten kannst im voraus 

Prinzip der Sprache - Wir kommunizieren in Deutsch - elektronische Übersetzungswerkzeuge sind erlaubt

Prinzip der Zurückhaltung - Weniger ist oft mehr


Reciprocity principle - I protect you, and you protect me from publicity

Principle of anonymity - We communicate with anonymous email addresses that are provided - no real names/places or anything else are mentioned in any communication

Principle of confidentiality - 4 eyes principle - everything stays between us

Principle of simplicity - No complicated communication style - No complicated security measures

Principle of regularity - What we start is finished - Nobody leaves the room/collaboration

Recommendation principle - You have the right to make recommendations about my performance in your circles

Principle of reliability - What is agreed is adhered to

Principle of responsibility - You are responsible for yourself and your actions and stand by them

Principle of equality - I am neither more nor less than you

Principle of inviolability - No one has the right to invade another's personal space

Principle of monetary compensation - you pay what you can represent in advance

Principle of the language - We communicate in German - electronic translation tools are permitted

Principle of restraint - less is often more